G&G CM16 (a short review)

Opening the box
I was greeted by a mailman with a pretty huge box....nice
the packaging was pretty simple no huge pictures or anything just a brown box with g&g combat machine written on it and a small monotone picture
pretty nice actually i much prefer that design to some of the brighter manufacture's boxes out there
it makes it seem a lot less like a cheap springer or a toy!

inside the box was a plastic divider with spaces for all the items, altogether there was the rifle a loading 450 rounds hi-cap and a bag of 1000 bb's
i was pretty impressed with the bb's and the fact that it was a decent size bag instead of one of those tiny little 30 round bags
but i was suprised to see no manual of any kind!!!!!
looking on thier website though there was a downloadable pdf with very simple instructions so i guess its not that much of a problem!!
however given that these guns are likely to be brought by first time players i would have thought a manual would be a good idea!!
picking up the gun
the gun it self was nice looking the plastick was a dull tan colour and thankfully enougth it was a nice matte plastick!! i couldnt see any shiny parts!!
it was painted two tone which is a dissapointment but that is pretty much a requirement and it shouldnt reflect on this review
picking up the gun had a decent enougth heft and i was not dissapointed the gun didnt wobble which i was actually suprised at because my old tm m4 rattled and wobbled like a son of a *badgeress*!!
I even tried to flex and wobble it but it didnt give so i was pretty pleased!!!
i will say that a lot of this gun is plastick !! honestly im not fussed in this case!! despicable me the grip stock and handgaurd will always be plastic anyway so the only part that would usually be metal is the reciever!! although this is usually the part of the rifle that gets bashed about!!

the plastic on the reciever is firm however it is possible to squeez and bend it!! that was a little dissapointing however i cant tell you how easy it made it to dissasemble the gun

Inside is pretty nice..........everything just fits.....its neat and tidy and clean and well built! there are no bells and whistles but everything is just so nice
the reciever pins that hold the rifle are plastic which is a little shame as in my experiance the reciever around these pins and the pins themselves are very prone to breaking
however i had a set left from my old tm and i just slotted them in!! they shouldnt be to exspensive to buy if you want to do the same

the mag is fine easy to load and sits in the gun with little wobble which is about standard for a companys own mag
450 rounds is a very nice capacity for a hi-cap magazine
the 8.4v mini fits inside the grip with no complaints in fact it was esiar to get in than my tm was as inside the grip there is only a wire that fits inside instead of the whole plastic divider thats sits in place to hold the mag and the fuse etc!!
i like this a lot more
the ROF on the gun is nice im not sure what it is exactly but it seems on par with every other stock aeg ive ever fired! so nothing special.
i loaded .25 bb's in this for accuracy i fired the first few shots and they started falling of at around 25 meters.....dont worry i havent adjusted the hop yet!!
so i adjusted the hop......very stiff, i take this as a good thing as it means it wont move around on me later on
i took aim and fired again!! much better all of my shots flew out 30 metred and hit a plate sized target before beggining to curve outwards
unfortanetly 30 metres (approx) is as far as my garden goes before it hits the fence so im not quite sure how the rifle will fare after this! i did notice the shots seem to curve out a fair amount!! at some point i will see if using .20 bb's will improve the range

i will update this as time goes on and tell you how this fares on the skirmish field

this rifle only cost me £99 new, thats pretty awesome, a well built rifle supplied with a decent mag for only £99
as a rifle thats designed for a begginer i cant really complain about this, i think using .20 ammo will reduce the accuracy somewhat but a lot of other reviews show that the gun can score hits easily at 40 meters which is pretty good.
If you want better performance you are going to have to upgrade it a little the power is fine but a better inner barrel will help groupings ....... i dont really think that another hop unit will make much of a difference but i will install one at somepoint and then get back to you on the results
i havent chronoed it yet but just about every review i have read states that the gun consistently chronoes at 330 fps which make it skirmish safe out of the box
i can imagine that in a cqb field this gun will really shine! you can stick a red dot on it or a few other choice bolt ons and it will work perfectly with no upgrades what-so-ever
.20's give it a decent range hitting a man size target at 40 meters
.25's give this gun pin point accuracy able to hit every shot at 30 meters on a head size target 

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